Killie - Gardneri

Fundulopanchax gardneri

Tank size: 10+ Gallons

Max Size: 2.5 inches

Lifespan: 2 years 

Temperament: Peaceful

Schooling: No

Common Tank Mates: Danios, Barbs, Tetras, Clown Loaches

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Nothobranchius rachovii 'Albino'

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Killie - American Flag

Jordanella floridae

Tank size: 10+ Gallons

Max Size: 2.5 inches

Lifespan: 2 to 3 years 

Temperament: Peaceful

Schooling: Yes (6 or more)

Common Tank Mates: Danios, Tetras, Rummynose Tetras, 

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Killie - Clown

Epiplatys annulatus

Tank size: 10+ Gallons

Max Size: 1.4 inches

Lifespan: 2 to 3 years 

Temperament: Peaceful

Schooling: Yes (8 or more)

Common Tank Mates: Bettas, Corydoras, Danios, Minnows

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Killie - Daisy Ricefish

Oryzias woworae

Tank size: 10+ Gallons

Max Size: 1.6 inches

Lifespan: 4 years 

Temperament: Peaceful

Schooling: Yes (6 or more) 

Common Tank Mates: Blue Eye Rainbowfish, Corydoras, Ember Tetras

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