Loach - Black Kuhli

Pangio oblonga

Tank size: 5+ Gallons

Max Size: 4 inches

Lifespan: 14 years 

Temperament: Peaceful

Schooling: No

Common Tank Mates: Guppies, Harlequin Rasboras, Bettas, Gouramis


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Loach - Angelicus Botia

Botia kubotai

Tank size: 30+ gallons

Max Size: 6 inches

Lifespan: 8 to 12 years

Temperament: Peaceful

Schooling: Yes (4 or more)

Common Tank Mates: Clown Loaches, Dojo Loaches

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Loach - Batik Botia

Mesonoemacheilus triangularis

Tank size: 30+ Gallons

Max Size: 2 to 3 inches

Lifespan: 10 years 

Temperament: Semi Aggressive

Schooling: No

Common Tank Mates: Tetras, Platies, Mollies

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Loach - Clown

Chromobotia macracanthus

Tank size: 75+ Gallons

Max Size: 8 to 12 inches

Lifespan: 30 years 

Temperament: Sometimes Aggressive in small groups

Schooling: Yes (4 or more)

Common Tank Mates: Tetras, Corydoras, Discus, Plecos, Gouramis 

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