Goby - Peacock Gudgeon

Tateurndina ocellicauda

Tank size: 15+ Gallons

Max Size: 3 inches

Lifespan: 4 to 5 years 

Temperament: Community Fish

Schooling: Yes (6 or more) 

Common Tank Mates: Ember Tetras, Bumblebee Goby, Harlequin Rasboras

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Tank size: 20+ Gallons

Max Size: 2 inches

Lifespan: 6 to 7 years 

Temperament: Peaceful

Schooling: No

Common Tank Mates: Harlequin Rasboras, Guppies, Dwarf Gourami, Corydoras Catfish, Bristlenose Plecos

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Goby - Bumblebee

Brachygobius doriae

Tank size: 10+ Gallons

Max Size: 1.5 inches

Lifespan: 3 years 

Temperament: Peaceful

Schooling: Yes (7 or more)

Common Tank Mates: Best if kept alone 

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