Angel - Annularis

Pomacanthus annularis

Tank size: 220+ Gallons

Max Size: 12 inches

Lifespan: 16 years 

Temperament: Semi Aggressive 

Reef Safe: No

Common Tank Mates: Butterflyfish, Batfish, Trunkfish

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Angel - Atlantic Pygmy

Centropyge argi

Tank size: 55+ Gallons

Max Size: 3 inches

Lifespan: 5 years 

Temperament: Semi Aggressive

Reef Safe: Yes

Common Tank Mates: Green Chromis, Firefish, Clownfish

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Angel - Coral Beauty

Centropyge bispinosa

Tank size: 70+ Gallons

Max Size: 4 inches

Lifespan: 5 to 15 years 

Temperament: Peaceful 

Reef Safe: Yes

Common Tank Mates: Clownfish, Damselfish, Tangs, Grammas, Dottybacks

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