Mag-Float Glass Floating Magnetic Aquarium Cleaner - Medium


Up to 125 gallons

The Mag-Float Glass Floating Magnetic Aquarium Cleaner lets you remove algae from glass aquariums without getting your hands wet. The Mag-Float consists of two powerful magnet pieces that are covered in non-toxic plastic. The magnet that goes inside the tank has fuzzy fastener on one side, and the outside magnet has felt. As you move the outer magnet, the abrasive fuzzy fastener magnet follows and scrubs the tank as it moves along. That means you can stay dry while you clean, and you won’t have to worry about knocking over decorations or damaging corals or invertebrates. If the two magnets separate, the inner piece will float for easy retrieval. The plastic cover keeps the magnets rust-free, so you can leave them attached to the tank for practical storage.

Key Benefits

  • Stay dry while you clean your aquarium, if the two magnets separate the inner piece floats for easy retrieval
  • Durable rare earth neodymium magnets follow each other and abrasive magnet in tank helps scrape algae off sides of tank
  • Toxin-free plastic cover prevents rusting so they can be stored attached to the tank
  • Can be used in freshwater or saltwater glass tanks
  • Avoid getting lotions or soap residue in the water